Welcome to Caribbean Forensic Services
Caribbean Forensics Services was founded as a result of the increase in demand for specialized forensic services such as DNA Testing, Chemical Analysis, Questioned Documents, Firearms and Toolmarks and Digital forensic for its clients. This unit, the first of its kind within the Caribbean region, strives to be the leader and number one supplier for forensic services affording its client the highest level of services and expertise provided within the region.
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The polygraph, also called 'lie detector,' is an apparatus that measures physiological variables such as heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration rateFeatured Products

Schedule an appointment today
Monday – Friday | 8:00 am – 4:00 pm |
1.868.235.4362 (4DNA)
1.868.235.4274 (4CSI)
Latest News, Services and Products
To what extent can you influence your families genetics?
To what extent can you influence your families [...]